Wishing all the readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
May all your dreams come true.
There was another prolonged gap in my writing. The reason being exams. We just completed the exams last week and the body is crying out for a much-needed rest.I have to oblige its demand as its revolt is no good to me. We have vacation till the 7th Jan.The university reopens on the 7th of Jan. Till then I have virtually nothing to do. That's good and that's bad. Good, because I have after a long time got a break from the hectic running-here-to-there schedule. Bad because I dont know what to do. I do have some plans, but I have a feeling that like New Year resolutions the paper on which I wrote all my plans will remain on the board - never to get turned into reality.
I will write about the university life in the last few days sometime later. Because, I feel, just a plain writing of events will make it a report, not a diary. I don't want to write reports here...I have had enough of them for the last 3 months and more to follow!
By the look of some pictures you might have already guessed the campus has a lot of greenery. In the morning, I can't say that the sun rises. because its so foggy. I can say that the day breaks at about 8 am. Pretty late. At 7:30- 7:45 am its still dark outside. You might just want to curl in your bed for some more time. When the dawn eventually breaks, you just see a thick blanket of fog surrounding all around.The distant trees , with no leaves, are hazy. The grass below have a thin layer of frost. The cars in the parking lot has also got a white shroud. The sun is yet to show up. The picture is lazy and hazy! Its whitish and greyish . There is no golden touch, otherwise provided by the sun. There is not much green as the trees are all bare. Everywhere around is quiet.

In the evening, things ends in a similar way as it started. But I feel its something taken out of the leaf of some fairy tale.At 4:30 pm its dark. And then misty. A thick fog descends as the sun goes down.When I return from the university or the examination hall, I always felt that I am walking in the area which was so often described as the English countryside by Sir Aurther Conan Doyle. Yes I am talking of the stories of Sherlock Holmes. As if I can feel that I would see the man with the typical cap,pipe and coat appearing in front of me from nowhere. You may think its childishly foolish and laugh at my thought. But perhaps in my situation many would have felt that way, perhaps not.
So when the examination ended the first thing I did was to log on to youtube and see 'Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band'. This particular story of Sherlock Holmes was the first I read when my father bought it for me and my brother on the day my Standard 2 exams ended. After reading the story, I almost instantaneously became an admirer of the character. Two days back when I watched the Sherlock Holmes, my thrill was no less though there was a gap of about 2 decades - 20 years!
While the time changed, the place changed, some feelings never seems to change.
Like that day, today also, one of my dreams is to go to 221 B Baker Street in London(the residence of Mr. Holmes), which, today,however, does not seem as distant as it were then!

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