The actual MBA started on the 1st of October. On 20th of December Term 1 ended with the last examination of Strategic Decision Science .The next Term starts from the 7th of Jan.New set of case packs have been collected.
I thought its time I reflect what went on in the last few months. Is there really a change that took place in me? I don't want to get into any type of debate...but a thought, that, is the MBA really doing good to me. Is it worth doing, in the first place? It is very easy to say 'YES'. Because that's what you would like to believe. Because that's what the world will like to hear. But I am not doing an MBA for the world. I am doing it for myself. Its time that I look back and 'take a stock' of what went over me. The question is 'Why I want to 'take a stock' in a blog , publicly, when I could have done it in my diary?' My answer is, I might just give others an sight of what happens in an MBA school - sort of an inside story. I am not promising the moon! I am not saying this is an exhaustive piece; it may be just a glimpse; a view of how I see it. And this may differ entirely from what others think or view. And if this piece, by any chances , makes any reader at least think once that 'Shall I go for it?' , then I would consider my blog a truly successful one. Because, I have also realised in the last three months there is as much joy in getting education as much it is in inspiring others to go for it. Though out of context, yet I want to mention that I will more be more than happy to answer any question that follows the 'Shall I go for it?' one (my answer to the 'Shall I go for it?' is a big YES for everybody!).
The term had a number of subjects, none of which I studied before. Economics, accountancy, operations management, marketing and organisational behaviour. On 1st october, I knew nothing of them. Today I know something of them. I know what return on investment means and what is opportunity cost; I know how cheap airlines operate and how coke was introduced in China.Things are never the same as before. I have definitely developed a broader view of the business. I have learnt to see a holistic picture, while keeping focus on certain areas. I have learnt why GOD has given us two ears and one mouth - so that we hear much more than we speak.

I have become much more matured in the last three months. Not only do I look into any business in a different point of view, but also the way I look at the world, in general. I have become a better human being.
And then I think that if in 3 months I changed, what will happen by the end the course gets over? I am myself eager and excited to find it.
While the course concerned is MBA, there are certain things that rise above the MBA. The education in a world-class university , the philosophy of the knowledgeable professors, the maturity of your friends - all rub you in the right way, day in and day out. And they all have an effect on you. The effect is clearly visible. I would say, the entire effect is called education. Its just not what you take inside you what was printed in the books. Its not about attending lectures and replicating them in the examination hall. Its about the realisation of who you are and where do you belong to. I am not saying MBA taught me this, or this was the reason that I am into an MBA. I am saying what a good education has done for me. It made me think those thoughts that I so long never felt the need to have a look into. It made me think! It made me think about the business world; it made me think about me and my strengths and weakness. And all these in only three months!
When the school reopens things will be tougher, with the the number of subjects increasing. The pressure becoming even more, with the obvious thought of hunting for a job added to the tension. Things will not be easy. And I know that. And yet, I know for sure, that I can't wait for the school to re-open and plunge myself into the 'melting pot'!
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