Its good to think that when one wakes up in the morning one will see gifts wrapped in glossy papers beside one's pillow. The cricket bat or the soft toy or the magic pencil that one wanted so desparately from dad, who never got!
Time has changed...from being young boys and gils, we have matured to responsible adults.
But in these changing times I have a feeling that millions of elders will want Santa Claus to shower them with goodies. After all, gifts are not only for kids. Surprise gifts are a joy for everybody. But in hard times such as these, when the world is reeling under the economic slowdown, we pray that the gifts that Santa Claus give need not necessarily be surprising. The gifts are humble requests - an urge, a plea, you may say. Geeting back the job that one lost few weeks ago, bringing the smile to the family when the happy days were around, buying the gifts for wife and family which was so affordable not-so-long ago are all we hope to get.
O Santa...please bring us back the old smile and the laughter that we seemed to have forgotten ages ago...We may not be a children now, but we still expect gifts from you...something to cheer about!
Wishing all the readers a Merry Christmas!
Tough times don't last, tough people do. We shall overcome!

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