In fact, it did. Then and now.
Within weeks into the course, I realised that I was a square peg in a round hole. Among some heavy-weights as far as ranking in board exams and general academic record is concerned, I was at sea - trying hard to keep afloat when others were swimming comfortably.
And then I met these wonderful professors. Some were bald headed. Some wore thick glasses and tried to give an impression that they were very knowledgable. One professor spoke so softly that it seemed he is in his courtship days and whispering to his wife. Some shouted so much that it seemed they were football coaches training players on field. These and many more such talented teachers made sure that the sea I landed on is turbulent. This might help them can identify the great swimmers. If one or two gulp a few gallons of saline water or even drown, it doesn't matter to them. So, what, if, as student, they were not great, either. When you are at the other side of the table, you view the world completely differently.
The pain grew with passing day. I can't jump off, can't run away. The ship left the shore...if I jump off, I'll land nowhere. Till now, never in my life have I felt so out-of-place - even in the lucky trip in business class or in the Cranfield environment.
Things grew from bad to worse with the progress of the course (semesters). Is it co-incidence that the pregnancy is counted in a similar format (trimesters)? With each passing trimester, the pain increases, but the hope that the end of the tunnel is near and the result is sweet, keeps the would-be mom smiling. Same was with me. The only motivation that kept me alive was the degree at the end of the course.
My specialisation was in Electrical Engineering. Though electric circuits did not give me shocks, the course made a habit of giving me shocks in the form of the assignments and obviously the marksheets.
Sometimes all things happening around us seem to be a big prank and a royal joke, however painful and torturing they may be. These moments have occurred to me innumerable times while in college. The otherwise large college campus, with tall green trees and the heritage building with an even heritage electrical machines lab (more of a electrical machines museum than a machines lab!) seemed like prison to me. I was just looking forward to the last day in college. The semesters and mid-semesters began to haunt me every 3 months or rather, each quarter, in today's terms. Sales people have a target to achieve each quarter. In college days, it seemed, I was targeted each quarter!
Weeks passed, so did months and semesters. There were fun and banter. But then there were also exams and mark sheets. Now when I look at those marksheets, I feel pity that so much toil and tears resulted in 1 sheet of paper. Such a shit!
After 10 years of passing my engineering college, the names of subjects in the marksheets ring no bell in me, leave alone excite me. My engineering learning skills come handy only when I draw a road map or ask my carpenter to make some furniture for our home and may be while making some connection between TV-DVD, TV-Home theatre etc.The world and people may think I am an engineer. I may think otherwise. There is a point upto which one can pretend to be someone, who he/she is not. I have stopped pretending. But the confusion remains - "am I or am I not an engineer?" Shall I believe the marksheets and what people say or shall I believe my inner conscious?
The voice of a confused engineer refuses to die!