It would make a long story to narrate the different "defining moments" of my life. I am sure, we all have numerous such instances. My making into the engineering way back in 1997, getting admission to the Cranfield MBA, my landing with a job with Oracle Corp. in Bangalore again...its just that I have done my best and the rest is controlled by an invisible pair of hands. And that makes me believe in a power, often refered to as the Almighty. Sometimes you are at the end of the tunnel and you have absolutely no clue how to get out of it, you are getting suffocated and its then that you see the light...and you swim to the safe shores!
When you do good things, you are rewarded; evil begets evil. These are some old adage. But evertime I think I can do this and that, I realise that I am a tiny entity in a vast universe and I am almost entirely guided and dependent on the environment around me. Its not I have surrendered myself to my fate. But its just that sometimes it gives me a solace of sorts to let things drift and take its own course and hope and pray that the stream will automaticall find the ocean! It so happens that you fight and toil the whole year, you dont get the desired result. And then you gave a dedicated effort for a month and there is a miracle. None can explain these phenomenon, which keeps on occuring in our life.
Everytime we think WE are in total control, we are subtly made aware of the fact that we are just the means. Having said that, there is no substitute to the dedication, hard work and the zeal to succeed. Day dreaming might not lead us to great hights. Sincere effort, hard work and a dice of luck, guided by the invisible power of the universe, might just be the perfect recipe!
And while we strive to become a better human being and raise our level, the journey of life gets even for interesting and exciting.
Bon Voyage!